We’ve been brought up to believe that changing our minds means we’re fickle; once we’ve made a decision that’s what we should follow forever. But this thinking fails to allow us to grasp that the beauty of being human is we get to change our minds day to day. New information is received and we can use it to adjust, change, amend, remove. We can make our decisions better by changing our minds. We do not use this enough or do it enough because we’ve been taught that this way is wrong. Changing our minds is bad.
I rebel against this thinking. I believe we can fight for what we truly believe in, make decisions, follow them AND we can then change our minds and change our decisions as soon as we receive information that shows us that our initial decision is no longer the one we have to follow. This kind of thinking allows us to be adaptable, it keeps us humble, it allows us to develop, to become more ourselves without the worry of whether we are “fickle” or not. It teaches us to apologise, to admit that we’re human, to admit that we do not know everything.
I believe the more we practice changing our minds, the more we’ll start practicing to delay our decision making until we truly feel the time is right.
Wait, what?!

Think about it: If we continously making decisions upfront but we’re open to changing our minds; we start using our muscles of discernment more. We become conscious of how our initial decisions weren’t the most accurate because we now change our minds with seeing new things, feeling our intuition, receiving new information in various ways. We will then become slower at making our initial decisions because we now know that this can change and would most likely change.
What does all this mean? It means if you believe in something; don’t fight for that outcome to be right. Fight for the best possible outcome. And when we approach situations and thinking like this; we most likely end up with win-win situations. It’s not about keeping all your options open either; it’s about testing what you believe in, testing your decision making, testing your processing and outcomes.
Pick your belief or decision; argue for it; hear the arguments against it and openly without ego, make a decision again. Is it the same one or a different one? Then ask yourself if you were open to the other perspectives or did you only hear what you wanted to and then rationalise all the things that were disproving your initial decision?
Now ask yourself if you’re able to be changeable. Truly changeable. Then try again. Because remember you can change your mind at any time.